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12 Days Of Wrapping: It's A Wrap!
Posted In: Living | Posted By: Anj
Well folks, the holidays are in full swing, and the presents under our tree are looking mighty good. In case you missed our daily wrapping party over the last couple weeks and still need a few ideas for last minute gift wrap, here’s our official wrap up.
1. Colorful Tights: What to do with all those super colorful tights that are so run-filled you can’t possibly wear them out of the house? Re-purpose them into vibrant holiday wrapping!
2. Neon Duct Tape: Few things are better than neon, and nothing is better than duct tape. For this wrapping project, we created simple neon gift sleeves, perfect for books, journal, iPhone cases and pretty much anything on the flat side.
3. Confetti: Confetti is like the crafter’s version of LMFAO. Party Rock, all the time, and it’s oh-so-easy. Now it’s time for party rock under the tree!
4. Pom Poms: We scoured the house for everything pom pom-able and came out with a quintet of adorable present-topping pom poms using yarn, t-shirts, dry cleaning bags, tights, and string.
5. Dots & Bows: Turn those barely used pencil erasers into perfect mini circle stamps, perfect for turning regular old copy paper into patterned wrapping paper. Top with simple paper bows.
6. Construction Paper Snowflakes: It’s back to basics with this round of wrapping - your 2nd grade teacher would be proud of how you’ve retained your snowflake-making skills.
7. Nerdy Wrapping Products: Truth be told, it’s probably too late for most of these products to make it to your door, but it’s never too early to start planning for 2012. We’re partial to the Universal Wrapping Paper, ChristmasBots, and the World’s Smallest Post Service.
8. Pixel Weave: Weaving construction paper into a pixelated letter atop a gift box sounds like the Brit-est wrapping job around. Get your weave on.
9. ABCDEFG: Leave it to us to turn your ABC’s into Twitter handles as gift tags.
10. Put A Blank On It: First, if you haven’t seen Put A Bird On It, . Second, scout around your house for colorful odds and ends to add a little pizzazz to any holiday package.
11. Color Blocking: In the home stretch of gift wrap ideas, we turn to electrical tape, balloons, pom poms and pipe cleaners for some playful color blocking.
12. Glossy Flora & Newsprint: And our final wrapping tutorial embraces the last minute-ness of the holidays by using newspapers, magazines, catalogs and household tools to create unique, beautiful ways to decorate all those goodies under the tree, even with only an hour to spare.
Hope you enjoyed our very merry 12 Days Of Wrapping. If you tried your hand at any of our quick and easy wrapping projects, we’d love to see photos! Send your pics on over to .
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